CERPASUR is a contractor company specialized in the construction of commercial spaces, residential works and other collective spaces. Its mission is to get and develop the works complying with the legal requirements and the volunteers established with the interested parties and satisfying the expectations that the clients place on us.
These actions will be carried out with the highest levels of quality and respect for the Environment, so that our activity allows us not only to comply with legal requirements and the commitments acquired with interested parties in a rigorous way, but also to develop an adequate integrated management, anticipating the needs of the clients, in a dynamic of continuous improvement.
For this purpose, CERPASUR has established an Integrated System for Quality and Environmental Management in accordance with the requirements established by the Quality Management standards: UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and Environmental Management: UNE-EN-ISO 14001, applicable to the following scope :
Reforms of commercial premises
The management system is framed within the following principles and commitments:
• Pollution prevention, which is specified in the establishment and monitoring of specific environmental objectives and controls in accordance with its activity.
• Assess potential impacts in advance and avoid problems before they occur.
• Ensure the technical competence of people, subcontractors, suppliers, and other external personnel, through training, information, awareness, continuous training and their motivation, in order to improve the professional level, ensure the quality and environmental performance of all our activities.
• Continuous monitoring of the environmental behavior of our activities, as a commitment to the organization of pollution and the impact on the environment.
Staff involvement is of vital importance, valuing participation, training and satisfaction with a job well done. All personnel must be committed to the detection, analysis and rectification of incorrect practices that may cause Quality and Environmental problems. CERPASUR requires suppliers and subcontractors that the work and services be carried out from the same perspective, with the highest quality and respecting the environment; since these directly influence the final result.
CERPASUR’s Management undertakes to provide the necessary resources to guarantee the development and evolution of the Integrated Management System, reviewing it periodically. Likewise, it ensures that this Policy is available, in addition to being reviewed for continuous updating.
Seville, June 21, 2022
Rafael Ruiz Roman